Jewers Doors has produced some of the world's largest straight-sliding, sliding folding doors and horizontal bi-fold door systems and is widely recognised as the market leader in the field of aircraft hangar doors with its Esavian range of hangar door systems. Esavian products include the TYPE 126 and Flatfold doors.
Esavian Aircraft Hangar DoorsMany of the largest aircraft hangar doors in the world are branded with the name Esavian - a name whose origins date back nearly a century.
Phoenix Sliding Folding DoorsOur Phoenix sliding folding doors range comprises three different products - Swift, Osprey and Kingfisher - designed to cater for a multiplicity of applications, with a maximum opening height of 6 metres.
High Performance DoorsAs their name implies Jewers Doors High Performance doors have been specifically developed to meet extremely stringent performance criteria in respect of protecting people and property from man-made and environmental threats.